Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests
We’d love to pray for you!

The good news is that Jesus is alive, and that he cares for you and listens to us when we pray. Here at Good News Unlimited, we believe in prayer! Let us know what is heavy on your heart, and we will make sure that you are prayed for by our pastors and dedicated prayer warriors!

You may either share your online prayer request with us here, or you can join our Prayer and Encouragement page on Facebook, where you can leave your prayers, testimonies, words of encouragement, and pray for others.

When submitting your prayer request, please don’t provide details that could be used to specifically identify you or others.

If you love praying for others please consider joining our team of global Prayer Warriors.

We will manage your information according to our Privacy Policy.

Prayer Request

  • I give permission for GNU to anonymously share my prayer request with its Prayer Warriors, and through other digital means, so others can join me in prayer.

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Dear Friend,

Thank you for taking a moment to consider this personal message from me.

The world is full of consumers, and that’s true of spiritual content as well. It’s all take, take, and more taking. But the message of Jesus, and the lives of those who follow him, will be characterized by giving. I want to invite you to consider not just being a hearer of the Word, but an even greater doer of the Word than you already are.

Did you know that today, 93,206 people will be reached with the Gospel by our ministry? That’s only possible because people like you decided to share the Gospel message by giving to GNU. Every dollar you give helps us to reach at least one person with the Gospel. Your gift, no matter how small or how large, is valuable to Christ.

Yes, I want to help reach people for Jesus!

Grace and Peace

Eliezer Gonzalez